
Partner With Us

At Naagyeo Group, we owe a large part of our success to our partners. We are using this opportunity to express our appreciations to Ministry Of Education and Ghana Education Service for adopting our football education project for second cycle institutions in Ghana.

Also to FIFA, the governing body of association football for granting us the permission to use the FIFA Laws Of The Game to facilitate on the same football education project presently named Naagyeo Edusoccer Challenge.

We are looking forward to start the project and also give back to FIFA and its association members as well as football clubs and academies from the grassroots to professional all over the world the authorization rights to use our football challenge project (NAAGYEO EDUSOCCER CHALLENGE) in their camps as entertainment game show whilst learning football.

We are not restricted to only football industry alone but also the creative art and entertainment industries too therefore, our doors are open to everyone within these industries from every part of the world interested in our products and services.

Our aim is to expand across the globe but we can’t do this without the support and partnerships from the world media, institutions, organizations and any individual being celebrity or an upcoming, we got the game changing ideas for your businesses to generate more leads for more sales.

Please feel free to send us an email via let’s get into business and make the difference together

Our Partners